Timetable and school rhythm


The school is open from 8 am to 7:30 pm. Lessons are taught from Monday to Friday, from 8.40 to 4 in primary school, and 9 to 4 in middle school. On Wednesdays, the school day ends at 12 for all students. Teacher-assisted homework sessions are mandatory, except on Fridays. They end at 5:30 for both primary and middle school students. There is no school on Wednesday afternoon. Our breakfast club opens from 8 am. The school is open for extracurricular activities on Saturdays and for some school holidays.
Lessons are organized according to a comprehensive approach that respects children’s rhythms. For example, students enjoy a real midday break over lunch, with time to relax in the playground or indoors. Friday afternoons do not have fixed timetables in secondary school and can involve cultural outings or conferences as part of interdisciplinary projects.


From year 3, students are in English immersion half of their school time. Their timetable is organized around school routines, individual or collaborative periods and assembly time. Students are encouraged to work independently with the help of individualized tools, but also to cooperate with one another. In addition to fundamental teaching in writing, reading, and math, the scientific education students receive is through investigative-based methods, taught in part by secondary school staff. Sessions devoted to philosophical and democratic debating, discovering cultures, history, geography, the arts are also favoured. After snack time, students are supervised by their teacher for their homework.


In Middle School, core topics are mostly taught in the morning. They take place in classrooms that are suited for collaborative work, which also contributes to breaking down year group boundaries (mixing Year 6 and Year 7 students, or Year 8 with Year 9, for example).
Students then enjoy a real midday break over lunch, so they have time to relax in the playground or indoors. In the afternoon, lessons continue through interdisciplinary sessions. Two afternoons a week are devoted to projects that are aimed at being presented in front of classmates or families at special times. Friday afternoons are partly devoted to civic education. Students review their lessons and are supervised by a teacher for their homework.
Secondary School rhythms, which are linked to speciality teaching and preparing for the Baccalauréat, are forthcoming.