
Helping all students reach their full potential through fulfilment, autonomy, and cooperation in an open-minded environment that supports self-confidence.

Our educational approach

“We ensure the well-being of all students so they can succeed in their learning journey. Since each child is unique, differentiation plays a central role in our pedagogy, guiding every student toward their full potential through the acquisition of a solid foundation in essential knowledge and skills, including psychosocial competencies (managing emotions, fostering creative and critical thinking, etc.). The curriculum follows the French National Education guidelines, but our approach requires adaptations, particularly in Science and English, to give more meaning, efficiency, and coherence to the learning process. In this regard, we emphasize project-based learning, interdisciplinarity, and cyclical teaching (temporary multi-age groups). Our pedagogy is a pragmatic synthesis of various approaches, particularly those drawn from alternative pedagogical experiments, educational sciences, and cognitive sciences. Citizenship education and global awareness are also key pillars of our educational framework.”
— Naïma, Cédric Élie, iféa founders
Read our educational project

The iféa method

Whether in kindergarten, elementary or middle school, we prioritize student well-being while maintaining high academic standards. Our method is based on differentiation, reimagined teaching tools, and a holistic approach to supporting each child and adolescent.

Differentiation in Small Class Sizes

Differentiation requires rethinking the traditional school framework (class sizes, schedules, tools, and learning materials). The goal is to help our students meet or exceed curriculum objectives through adapted methods. In our bilingual schools in Clichy-Levallois and Bois-Colombes, class sizes are kept small, with a maximum of 18 to 20 students. Our differentiated method involves individualized learning paths and personalized attention within the group. Each student is supported by a dedicated tutor. Tailored exercises and assignments are provided to each student, and assessments identify strengths and areas for improvement, offering clear and reassuring indicators of progress. Our students are also encouraged to collaborate within their groups. Situations of mutual aid, peer tutoring, and collective motivation are powerful learning facilitators. Families have access to weekly progress updates online.

Holistic Support and Homework Completed at School

Homework is individualized for each subject and completed within the school with the help of adult supervisors, who provide assistance when needed. The time saved allows students to enjoy relaxation, extracurricular activities, or quality family time. However, students are expected to review lessons, finish projects, and engage in regular study at home.

Digital Tools to Enhance Learning

We complement teachers’ tools with digital resources that students are gradually introduced to, with access to laptops based on their age. The use of digital tools is balanced according to the child’s age and is integrated thoughtfully to enhance learning. Screen time is limited to protect students’ cognitive development, well-being, and health. Starting in elementary school and continuing throughout their education, children are trained in the use of digital tools and critical evaluation of information sources. Beyond simple digital use, specific software modules are employed to develop and reinforce certain skills through memorization exercises and training.

Support for Gifted Children

Our pedagogical practices, based on differentiation, active listening, and care, along with our trained staff and adapted tools, provide significant advantages for the well-being and development of gifted students. The goal is to allow them to progress at their own pace, manage their anxiety, and fully express their imagination, curiosity, and creativity. From Kindergarten or elementary to middle school, high-potential students, who tend to perceive the world in a holistic way, are stimulated through interdisciplinary projects and occasional mixed-age group activities. Regular check-ins are held to assess their progress and address any challenges, whether in terms of social interaction or academic performance.
We also offer a specific program for gifted students experiencing school phobia within the traditional curriculum. This program is tailored on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the child or adolescent, their parents, the educational team, and external partners.


Bilingual teaching in primary school

In a globalized world, being bilingual has become an essential skill for thriving in the 21st century. This requires cultural immersion from an early age.

In Primary School

English instruction begins as early as kindergarten. Daily oral practice is conducted with students through playful methods that spark curiosity and engagement. Starting in second grade (CE1), students benefit from an equal partnership between a French-speaking teacher and an English-speaking teacher. The latter not only teaches their subject but also engages in cultural, artistic (visual arts, drama, music), and scientific instruction, as well as citizenship education. The distribution of subjects taught in English and French varies depending on the preferences of the two class teachers, allowing for a flexible and dynamic learning environment. In fourth grade (CM1), students are introduced to both Chinese and Spanish, and they choose their second language (Mandarin or Spanish) to study starting in sixth grade (6ème).

Secondary School

At the secondary level, students continue practicing the language both in subject-specific courses (English as a primary language, sciences, etc.) and during interdisciplinary project work (with teachers or with partner researchers who are native English speakers). Project-based learning is emphasized to help students express themselves and bring their ideas and projects to life. Citizenship education sessions are also key opportunities to attend conferences in English on important topics related to the citizenship curriculum. Additionally, extracurricular activities are offered to continue language practice (fun workshops, English drama, advanced courses, intensive sessions, etc.). Finally, in our bilingual schools, both the educational and administrative staff encourage communication in English with students.

Leveling and certifications

We offer adaptation and leveling sessions for students who join mid-program, with a system of intensive courses. From the age of 7, students are encouraged to prepare for Cambridge certifications to assess their language level through workshops supervised by teachers from our private school who have experience as examiners for these certifications.

Enhanced Science Education

Science education helps students gain the keys to understanding the world we live in by applying the scientific method and developing analytical skills.

Our Vision of Science

Developing observation and precision skills, fostering critical thinking and rigor, encouraging initiative and teamwork, and nurturing a love for research through investigative methods are all elements that will allow students to thrive in the 21st-century world. Science learning follows a holistic approach, emphasized through interdisciplinary projects, which naturally connect formal sciences (mathematics, computer science, and computational thinking), physical sciences (physics and chemistry), and life and earth sciences (SVT). The study of computer science and computational thinking plays a significant role, starting in elementary school in second grade (algorithms, problem-solving, coding) and gradually intensifying throughout their education up to high school graduation.

Science in Elementary School

In elementary school, we aim to allow children, through trial and error and experimentation, to develop logical thinking and acquire knowledge and skills through subjects like life and earth sciences (SVT), physics-chemistry, and engineering sciences. Observation, hands-on experimentation, and reporting findings—whether in writing or through oral presentations—also help students solidify fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. Fourth and fifth-grade students (CM1 and CM2) occasionally use secondary school labs with middle school teachers and partner researchers (in scientific research workshops they will continue in middle school).

Science in Middle School

In middle school, science education expands significantly. With more class time devoted to science than in the standard curriculum, this teaching is carried out through subject-specific courses (mathematics, digital science, life and earth sciences, physics-chemistry) as well as project-based work (with engineering sciences depending on the project). In the latter case, science is often combined with other subjects such as English or history. Mathematics in middle school is paired with enhanced digital science instruction for more in-depth learning.

Citizenship Education for a wide open vision of the world

We place a special emphasis on citizenship, artistic, and cultural education to equip our students with the skills to contribute to building a sustainable and inclusive future by fostering civic awareness and engagement.

Citizenship and Eco-Citizenship Education

In elementary and middle school, we implement the National Education “citizenship pathway.” This pathway includes both knowledge imparted during lessons and hands-on experiences through meetings and projects with individuals or organizations engaged in civic and environmental efforts. Specific times are allocated in our students’ schedules for this pathway. Key areas of citizenship education are addressed through conferences, field trips, or long-term projects led by teachers and external partners: promoting republican values and secularism, education on the environment and sustainable development, media and information literacy, combating all forms of discrimination and racism.

Artistic and Cultural education

In elementary school, art history, visual arts, and music are incorporated into the weekly schedule and contribute to reinforcing literacy and numeracy skills.
In middle school, we choose not to follow the official model of one hour per week of arts and music instruction. Instead, we aim to give this education deeper meaning by integrating it throughout the year within interdisciplinary projects (including artist encounters and cultural outings) to foster real reflection. Additionally, an artistic and cultural educational pathway is offered as part of extracurricular activities on Wednesday afternoons.